Knowledge is what drives us forward...
The management of a company is a complex challenge, which constantly changes every new employee. Our ability to communicate constructively with all new issues and to find new processes and ways together will safeguard our future. In this way a job becomes a purpose. In this way, successful teams are created from individual colleagues. Innovative solutions for our customers of tomorrow will emerge from creative ideas.
... our specialists
We want you to bring experience, competence and personality into our teams and projects. Together we want to achieve goals which we can also define together: For the year or a specific deadline, for a team or a single colleague. Close collaboration helps us to see green or red flags in time. Regular exchanges are not only for those who work as part of a team but also for individual employees. It is important that communication functions as a dialogue and not as a judgement. What works and what doesn’t? Where are the potentials exhausted and where are they not? What plans can still be realised? We can only achieve success together. After all, it is very important to us that every employee carries out and implements the strategy and policy of Pfannenberg within their respective field. We count on our employees having a sense of togetherness.
... our managers
First, it is said that everything that is required for specialists is, of course, also expected by the managers. And even more: As managers you are the role model for all employees. Through your leadership style you create the necessary prerequisites to involve all employees and to further expand the organisation. Therefore you must look at goals and employees dynamically: Through trust, clearly formulated expectations, constructive feedback and appreciation, you can promote the further development and independence of your employees. The right personnel programmes and further training opportunities are the tools to help you with this. The ideas and opinions of our employees are a good basis for management decisions and continuous improvement. In other words, the perfect preparation for necessary changes at Pfannenberg. As a good manager you must share your knowledge and inform your employees in a timely manner about goals, planning and changes. For shared knowledge is double the knowledge.
We want those with conviction:
- We determine the future of Pfannenberg and pass it on to our employees.
- We are ready to question ourselves and our actions and are open to necessary changes.
- We are committed to our employees and support them wherever possible.
- We are convinced that we can achieve our goals by pursuing a clear corporate direction and strategy that takes into account and integrates all levels of the organisation.