Informing – always switched on.

With the requirement to inform, signaling devices are used mainly as continuous lights, to indicate the operating status of a machine, for example. The signal provides information for the operator of the machine or for personnel working close by. LED signaling devices are recommended here because of their low power consumption, a long operating life and a wide range of signaling modes.
Visual signaling poses a particular challenge at night, as there is a danger of blinding; on cranes on large construction sites or in container terminals, for example. LED technology has significant advantages here too. Special LED signaling devices fitted with light sensors allow them to be adjusted to the ambient light levels and ensure that the light signal can be seen without blinding at night.
What is signaled in the "Inform" category?
• Test run; machine or process status
• Primary material running low/material supply at risk
• Reject identification; pass/fail information
• Fault indicator
• Production progress
• Access control / room occupied sign